Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Here we are, the Moody Aviation crew. This is the two flight classes and the A&P classes together. We have about 20 other people that are in the Bible Pre Av year that are not in the picture.

Here Fran and I are posing with the mig that doubles as a windsock. Here in Idaho, they are just not satisfied with your everyday run of the mill orange windsock. Only a full scale military fighter on a perfectly balanced swivel will do. Just Land the same direction the Jet is pointed.

That is my friend Paul showing off just how much bigger his burger is than mine (the one on the right). At least I did not have to do a weight and balance calculation after lunch to determine if we could get the plane back off the ground. :)

In order to take a much needed peek out the window while flying, several of us took a trip to St. Maries Idaho for lunch last Friday. It was a great way to celebrate our progress in Instrument training so far. It was also fun to remember how to fly by looking out the window again. We also enjoyed a nice hamburger in town.
It is good to be back flying again. I sure had a blast in Papua New Guinea and it has really allowed me to appreciate my training here back at school. I have a much better understanding of why we work so hard for precision and excellence in our flying. Although, I have a ways to go before my flying can be described as such. In the mean time, I am approaching the 200 hour mark and I am making good progress towards my instrument rating. I have been going on lots of flights out over Spokane somewhere. I get to see the runway for a few seconds at takeoff and Landing. The rest of the time I get to watch all those needles move about on the instrument panel. It is the most challenging thing I have ever done. Already, I am beginning to see how it is really growing me as a pilot.