Monday, February 13, 2006

The Ten Commandments of Aviation
1. Maintain thy airspeed lest the earth rise up and smite thee.
2. Comply with the incantations of the tower priests, lest chaos reign in thy traffic pattern.
3. Observe thy birds of thy kingdom; they let not ice be upon their wings.
4. Landeth not with the wind at thy back, for thou shalt dash thy machine against a stone.
5. He who inspecteth not his flying machine giveth angels cause to concern him.
6. Always check thy liquid propellant, for it is surely the staff of life.
7. Sample not the fruit of thy grape unless thy sandals are planted firmly on the ground, or verily, you will be planted into the ground.
8. Thou shalt not journey in thy flying machine without consultation of thy atmospheric prophet, and if thy weather be evil, forsake thy journey.
9. Check thy radiance of thy gear light, for thou knowest not the hour disaster cometh.
10. Let infinite wisdom govern thy movement near the earth, for vast is the area of destruction.

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