No visit with my family is without adventure. So as not to be outdone this Easter, my Dad, Leslie and I set out for a great one. The day started out as innocent as any other. My mom and sister packed up their things and headed off for Kentucky where Marena is attending nursing school. Leslie, Dad and I headed up north to take pictures of wildlife. It was a beautiful day and we had a few good pictures. We wanted to start heading home and in strict adherence to Hawk law of never returning the way you came, we took a GPS shortcut leading us over a mountain. Asphalt turned to gravel, gravel turned to ice, and ice turned to snow. When snow turned to stuck at a 45 degree angle in a ditch in the middle of no where the day before Easter we knew we had the ingredients of and adventure. When the sky became dark, afternoon turned into evening, clouds rolled in and the tow truck never made it, we knew we were definitely preheating the adventure oven. After lots of digging with no food and the addition of a flat tire, I made a fire in the snow and we decided to spend the night and hike out in the morning. The wolves or coyotes kept us company during the night, none of us wanted to look and see. We shivered all night and my dad made a valiant effort to keep warm with nothing but a thermarest for a blanket. In the morning we hiked close to 10 miles down the mountain carrying all of our camera gear until we met our unlikely rescuers. In this part of the woods, there are a number of buildings nestled into the woods where a special kind of military survival training is conducted. Several gentlemen from one such establishment were very surprised to see us hiking down the frozen road on Easter morning with summer clothes and lots of camera gear looking very tired and hungry. With little conversation they took us in and gave us a bite to eat and took my Dad back up the road to rescue the car. We owe a big thank you to the air force for their help in concluding what may have been an even longer adventure. Needless to say, I did not include any incriminating photos of our time in the woods. Perhaps we will go back and give it another go a little later in the summer. :)
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