Thursday, May 18, 2006

Last night I was working with my buddy Paul at the airport. For all of you that have never spent much time at a small airport; there are these old timers that live at airports. We call them Geezers. These are the guys you want to get to know and it is an honor to work on their beautiful hangars. I think some of them have homes but I am not sure why. Their hangars are a wealth of old parts, simple green, oil and that tool for fixing that part designed by the triple jointed engineer. Paul and I installed peg board all around the hangar to hold a whole assortment of such tools. We worked late oblivious to the time enjoying the setting sun glimering off the wings of the Steerman flying the patch. It was a great aviation moment. Flight is almost here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a one... seven-ty two! Ya heard of those? Haha... sweet picture.